Ghost content collections

Here is a content collection for Ghost that enables two collections of content on a single site.

The first, default collection, is at /posts/, and we exclude any that are tagged with internal tags that are prefixed with hash- by default. We exclude #home, as well as #private for when we want to make a post public. By default, all posts land in this collection.

The second collection are the posts we want to serve from the root of the site at /{slug}/, and for this we include hash-home.

This enables the bulk of our posts to align with URL schemes of other blogging platforms, such as static site generators. It provides a flexible means of landing specific posts on the home page of default Ghost themes such as Casper. It may make sense to create a navigation button the main posts collection (e.g., link to them directly, or create "wrap-up" posts (perhaps by month), on the main collection.


    permalink: /posts/{slug}/
    template: index
    filter: tag:-[hash-home,hash-private]
    permalink: /{slug}/
    template: index
    filter: tag:[hash-home]

  tag: /tag/{slug}/
  author: /author/{slug}/